Cabbage Soup Diet

Cabbage Soup Diet Lose 10lbs in 7 days

Popular around 10 years ago, the cabbage soup diet was not recommended as a long term diet plan, if you had a special occasion coming up, or you simply need to lose weight fast, the Cabbage Soup Diet might have been just what you need. Although really not suitable for long-term weight loss, the Cabbage Soup Diet was a low-fat, high-fibre diet that claimed to help you get into shape fast, before you embark on a more considered and sensible long-term eating plan.

Arguments for and against the Cabbage Soup Diet

FOR: You would most definitely lose weight fast. Not only that but this was one of those diets where you could eat as much of the foods listed as you wanted. Although the diet was only designed as a seven day plan (and shouldn’t be followed for longer), it did provide a great “kick-start” for a more sensible diet.

AGAINST: Unless you were one of those rare people who actually loved cabbage, you would have found the soup bland or even not pleasant tasting. Some users of the diet even reported feeling light-headed, weak, and suffered from a reduction in their ability to concentrate. Most though, believed these side effects to be worth it, as it was only for a week and they had lost a considerable amount of weight in a very short time.

What the Cabbage Soup Diet is NOT: The cabbage soup diet was sometimes referred to as the “Mayo Clinic Diet”, and the “Sacred Heart Hospital Diet”, notably in some of the diet’s promotional material! Interestingly, this diet had nothing to do with either the Mayo Clinic, nor any Sacred Heart Hospital we know about.

As far as I can find, nobody is offering the cabbage soup diet as a “program” any longer, but if you are looking to lose weight fast take a look at the smoothie diet linked >>>here<<< and above.

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